fruit_mpi.f90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

module fruit_mpi
  !! display: none
  !! Documentation under construction
  use naturalfruit
  use mpi
  implicit none

  integer, parameter :: XML_OPEN = 20
  integer, parameter :: XML_WORK = 21
  character(len=*), parameter :: xml_filename = "result.xml"
  integer, parameter :: NUMBER_LENGTH = 10
  integer, parameter :: FN_LENGTH = 50

  public ::          fruit_initialize_mpi_xml
  interface fruit_initialize_mpi_xml
    module procedure fruit_initialize_mpi_xml_
  end interface

  public ::          fruit_finalize_mpi
  interface fruit_finalize_mpi
    module procedure fruit_finalize_mpi_
  end interface

  public ::          fruit_summary_mpi
  interface fruit_summary_mpi
    module procedure fruit_summary_mpi_
  end interface

  public ::          fruit_summary_mpi_xml
  interface fruit_summary_mpi_xml
    module procedure fruit_summary_mpi_xml_
  end interface
  subroutine fruit_initialize_mpi_xml_(rank)
    integer, intent(in) :: rank
    character(len=FN_LENGTH) :: xml_filename_work

    write (xml_filename_work, '("result_tmp_", i5.5, ".xml")') rank
    call set_xml_filename_work(xml_filename_work)

    call init_fruit_xml(rank)
  end subroutine fruit_initialize_mpi_xml_

  subroutine fruit_finalize_mpi_(size, rank)
    integer, intent(in) :: size, rank
    if (size < 0) print *, "size negative"
    if (rank < 0) print *, "rank negative"
    call fruit_finalize
  end subroutine fruit_finalize_mpi_

  subroutine fruit_summary_mpi_(size, rank)
    integer, intent(in) :: size, rank
    integer :: fail_assert_sum
    integer :: succ_assert_sum
    integer :: fail_case_sum
    integer :: succ_case_sum

    integer :: fail_assert
    integer :: succ_assert
    integer :: fail_case
    integer :: succ_case

    integer :: message_index
    integer :: num_msgs
    integer :: num_msgs_sum
    integer, allocatable :: num_msgs_rank(:)

    integer :: ierr
    integer :: i
    integer :: imsg
    integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)

    integer, parameter :: MSG_LENGTH_HERE = 256
    character(len=MSG_LENGTH_HERE), allocatable :: msgs(:)
    character(len=MSG_LENGTH_HERE), allocatable :: msgs_all(:)

    call get_assert_and_case_count(&
      & fail_assert, succ_assert, &
      & fail_case, succ_case)

    call get_message_index(message_index)
    num_msgs = message_index - 1
    allocate (msgs(num_msgs))
    call get_message_array(msgs)

    allocate (num_msgs_rank(size))
    call MPI_Allgather(&
      & num_msgs, 1, MPI_INTEGER, &
      & num_msgs_rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

    num_msgs_sum = sum(num_msgs_rank(:))
    allocate (msgs_all(num_msgs_sum))

    ! array msgs_all:
    ! | msgs(:) of rank 0  | msgs(:) of rank 1   | msgs(:) of rank 2  |
    ! |                    |                     |                    |
    ! | num_msgs_rank(1)   |  num_msgs_rank(2)   | num_msgs_rank(3)   |
    ! |                    |                     |                    |
    ! |                    |                     |                    |
    !                       A                     A                  A
    !                       |                     |                  |
    !              sum(num_msgs_rank(1:1))+1      |             num_msgs_sum
    !                                    sum(num_msgs_rank(1:2))+1

    if (rank == 0) then
      msgs_all(1:num_msgs) = msgs(1:num_msgs)
      do i = 1, size - 1
        imsg = sum(num_msgs_rank(1:i)) + 1
        call MPI_RECV(&
          & msgs_all(imsg), &
          & num_msgs_rank(i + 1)*MSG_LENGTH_HERE, MPI_CHARACTER, &
          & i, 7, MPI_COMM_WORLD, status, ierr)
      call MPI_Send(&
        & msgs, &
        & num_msgs*MSG_LENGTH_HERE, MPI_CHARACTER, &
        & 0, 7, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

    call MPI_REDUCE(&
      & fail_assert, &
      & fail_assert_sum, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

    call MPI_REDUCE(&
      & succ_assert, &
      & succ_assert_sum, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

    call MPI_REDUCE(&
      & fail_case, &
      & fail_case_sum, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

    call MPI_REDUCE(&
      & succ_case, &
      & succ_case_sum, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

    if (rank == 0) then
      write (*, *)
      write (*, *)
      write (*, *) '    Start of FRUIT summary: '
      write (*, *)

      if (fail_assert_sum > 0) then
        write (*, *) 'Some tests failed!'
        write (*, *) 'SUCCESSFUL!'
      end if

      write (*, *)
      write (*, *) '  -- Failed assertion messages:'

      do i = 1, num_msgs_sum
        write (*, "(A)") '   '//trim(msgs_all(i))
      end do

      write (*, *) '  -- end of failed assertion messages.'
      write (*, *)

      if (succ_assert_sum + fail_assert_sum /= 0) then
        call fruit_summary_table(&
          & succ_assert_sum, fail_assert_sum, &
          & succ_case_sum, fail_case_sum    &
      write (*, *) '  -- end of FRUIT summary'
  end subroutine fruit_summary_mpi_

  subroutine fruit_summary_mpi_xml_(size, rank)
    integer, intent(in) :: size, rank

    character(len=1000) :: whole_line
    character(len=100) :: full_count
    character(len=100) :: fail_count
    character(len=FN_LENGTH)              :: xml_filename_work
    character(len=FN_LENGTH), allocatable :: xml_filename_work_all(:)

    integer :: fail_assert, succ_assert, fail_case, succ_case
    integer :: fail_assert_sum, succ_assert_sum, fail_case_sum, succ_case_sum
    integer :: i
    integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
    integer :: ierr

    call get_xml_filename_work(xml_filename_work)

    allocate (xml_filename_work_all(size))

    if (rank /= 0) then
      call MPI_Send(xml_filename_work, &
        &     FN_LENGTH, MPI_CHARACTER, 0, 8, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    if (rank == 0) then
      xml_filename_work_all(1) = xml_filename_work

      do i = 1 + 1, size
        call MPI_RECV(xml_filename_work_all(i), &
          & FN_LENGTH, MPI_CHARACTER, i - 1, 8, MPI_COMM_WORLD, status, ierr)

    call get_assert_and_case_count(&
      & fail_assert, succ_assert, &
      & fail_case, succ_case)

    call MPI_REDUCE(&
      & fail_assert, &
      & fail_assert_sum, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

    call MPI_REDUCE(&
      & succ_assert, &
      & succ_assert_sum, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

    call MPI_REDUCE(&
      & fail_case, &
      & fail_case_sum, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

    call MPI_REDUCE(&
      & succ_case, &
      & succ_case_sum, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

    full_count = int_to_str(succ_case_sum + fail_case_sum)
    fail_count = int_to_str(fail_case_sum)

    if (rank == 0) then
      open (XML_OPEN, file=xml_filename, action="write", status="replace")
      write (XML_OPEN, '("<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>")')
      write (XML_OPEN, '("<testsuites>")')
      write (XML_OPEN, '("  <testsuite errors=""0"" ")', advance="no")
      write (XML_OPEN, '("tests=""", a, """ ")', advance="no") &
        &  trim(full_count)
      write (XML_OPEN, '("failures=""", a, """ ")', advance="no") &
        &  trim(fail_count)
      write (XML_OPEN, '("name=""", a, """ ")', advance="no") &
        &  "name of test suite"
      write (XML_OPEN, '("id=""1"">")')

      do i = 1, size
        open (XML_WORK, FILE=xml_filename_work_all(i))
          read (XML_WORK, '(a)', end=999) whole_line
          write (XML_OPEN, '(a)') trim(whole_line)
999     continue
        close (XML_WORK)

      write (XML_OPEN, '("  </testsuite>")')
      write (XML_OPEN, '("</testsuites>")')
      close (XML_OPEN)
    if (size < 0) print *, "size < 0"
  end subroutine fruit_summary_mpi_xml_

  function int_to_str(i)
    integer, intent(in) :: i
    character(LEN=NUMBER_LENGTH) :: int_to_str

    write (int_to_str, '(i10)') i
    int_to_str = adjustl(int_to_str)
  end function int_to_str
end module fruit_mpi