intrinsic functionIn order to understand the basic workflow of unit testing, let's try verifying the matmul
intrinsic function that performs matrix multiplication in Fortran.
Let's start with integer multiplication for 2 x 2 matrices.
We shall take two example matrices and use the assert_equal statement to compare the expected matrix result with the one matmul
Let's also deliberately add a wrong case that results in a failed assert statement.
program matmul_test
use naturalfruit
integer, dimension(2, 2) :: a, b
integer, dimension(2, 2) :: expectedMat, obtainedMat
a(1, :) = (/1, 2/)
a(2, :) = (/3, 4/)
b(1, :) = (/5, 6/)
b(2, :) = (/7, 8/)
expectedMat(1, :) = (/19, 22/)
expectedMat(2, :) = (/43, 50/)
obtainedMat = matmul(a, b)
call assert_equal(expectedMat, obtainedMat) ! <--- Assert statement
call assert_equal(expectedMat, obtainedMat+1) ! <--- Assert statement
end program matmul_test
Ensure the module naturalfruit.f90
is available for use and available for linking. Our example program may then be compiled and executed using:
$ gfortran -c naturalfruit.f90
$ gfortran matmul_test.f90 naturalfruit.o
$ ./a.out
Executing this program will print a .F
to the screen. The .
indicates a successful assert while the F
a failed assert. This is a concise indication common to other testing frameworks too.
For a clearer outline of the results, we leverage nauralFRUIT's testsuite_summary method. We shall also supply assert_equal an optional message
argument to print out a message in case of a failed assert. This would allow us to better identify the failed assert.
Making these changes in the program,
program matmul_test
use naturalfruit
integer, dimension(2, 2) :: a, b
integer, dimension(2, 2) :: expectedMat, obtainedMat
a(1, :) = (/1, 2/)
a(2, :) = (/3, 4/)
b(1, :) = (/5, 6/)
b(2, :) = (/7, 8/)
expectedMat(1, :) = (/19, 22/)
expectedMat(2, :) = (/43, 50/)
obtainedMat = matmul(a, b)
call assert_equal(expectedMat, obtainedMat, 'Fail 1') ! <--- Assert statement
call assert_equal(expectedMat, obtainedMat+1, 'Fail 2') ! <--- Assert statement
call testsuite_summary() ! <--- Print results summary
end program matmul_test
and executing it will provide:
Start of FRUIT summary:
Some tests failed!
-- Failed assertion messages:
[_not_set_]: Expected [19], Got [20]; User message: [2d array has difference, Fail 2]
-- end of failed assertion messages.
Total asserts : 2
Successful : 1
Failed : 1
Successful rate: 50.00%
Successful asserts / total asserts : [ 1 / 2 ]
Successful cases / total cases : [ 0 / 1 ]
-- end of FRUIT summary
Although naturalFRUIT is currently working with set defaults, it requires to be properly initialized to prevent unexpected beahviour. For this, we shall utilize the testsuite_initialize
and the testsuite_finalize
statements. We will also provide an optional integer argument exit_code
to testsuite_finalize
to obtain an exit code for our test program. This will indicate whether the program as a whole was successfully executed and is helpful when integrating with other frameworks including those with continuous integration testing capabilities. The exit_code
returned from testsuite_finalize
is the number of failed test cases.
program matmul_test
use naturalfruit
integer, dimension(2, 2) :: a, b
integer, dimension(2, 2) :: expectedMat, obtainedMat
integer :: exit_code ! <--- Declare exit_code
call testsuite_initialize() ! <--- Initialize testsuite
a(1, :) = (/1, 2/)
a(2, :) = (/3, 4/)
b(1, :) = (/5, 6/)
b(2, :) = (/7, 8/)
expectedMat(1, :) = (/19, 22/)
expectedMat(2, :) = (/43, 50/)
obtainedMat = matmul(a, b)
call assert_equal(expectedMat, obtainedMat, 'Fail 1') ! <--- Assert statement
call assert_equal(expectedMat, obtainedMat+1, 'Fail 2') ! <--- Assert statement
call testsuite_summary() ! <--- Print results summary
call testsuite_finalize(exit_code) ! <--- Finalize testsuite
call exit(exit_code) ! <--- Exit using exit_code
end program matmul_test
We have now realized the bare minimum to perform unit testing with naturalFRUIT.
This program may be easily extended to testing other data types like real
and real*8
However, for maintaining a testsuite with a large number of complex testcases, we cannot rely only on a simple testrunner program like the above. A better organization of things is essential. Continue to the next tutorial to find how this may be achieved.